Pets featured in the Morning Report in August


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Jul 21, 2023

Pets featured in the Morning Report in August

From pools to ponds to patios, we’ve had plenty of dogs and cats enjoying the outdoors in the August edition of the Morning Report. In August, we’ve also had readers participate in our “camera roll

From pools to ponds to patios, we’ve had plenty of dogs and cats enjoying the outdoors in the August edition of the Morning Report.

In August, we’ve also had readers participate in our “camera roll challenge,” in which they send us the last photo they took of their pet.

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Snoop Dog, adopted from Secondhand Hounds, enjoys his first camping trip.

Canela and Zuzu were rescued into the good life here in Minnesota.

Atticus likes to supervise when people are in the pool.

"This is Winnie," Kenneth writes. "Winnie is now approximately 18 years old and has dementia as well as cataracts that have diminished her vision. However, she still remembers that if she comes into my office in the morning that there will be chicken pieces cut up for her as her breakfast treat. That’s what she is doing here before she eats some of her food. She also knows when appetizers and dessert times are and is stationed at the appropriate location (usually by the couch with the tv on) to receive those."

Whitey is a barn cat.

Tunie -- short for Petunia -- is famous and loved in her St. Paul neighborhood.

Bear, a Bernese Mountain Dog, likes cooler temps and belly rubs.

Zoey in her hiding spot under a chair on her backyard patio.

On the patio, Ralphie fell asleep while watching a Twins game on TV.

CoCoNut, a Maltipoo, likes the fresh chicken at Hy-Vee.

Kiwi on her coffee break.

Gretel had some trouble sleeping while her people were away.

Mac and his brother after a hard day's work.

Harley is a Boston Terrier Bug (Pug-Boston Terrier).

Petey, an Americn Curl who is a retired show cat.

Pepito's "Gotcha Day" is Aug. 8.

Poli and Toby "help" with the laundry.

Spike was adopted from Safe Hands Rescue in 2022.

Porter keeps his person company while they are working in their home office.

Buxton graduated from puppy class!

“This is Winnie,” Kenneth writes. “Winnie is now approximately 18 years old and has dementia as well as cataracts that have diminished her vision. However, she still remembers that if she comes into my office in the morning that there will be chicken pieces cut up for her as her breakfast treat. That’s what she is doing here before she eats some of her food. She also knows when appetizers and dessert times are and is stationed at the appropriate location (usually by the couch with the tv on) to receive those.”

“This is Whitey,” writes Jeff. “He’s our barn cat who loves hanging out with friends, sheep and llamas. He moves around with them, whether in the pasture or in the lean-to area as pictured.”

Whitey looks like he’d be at home in one of the barns at the Minnesota State Fair! Do they have any barn cats roaming around?

“This is Tunie, aka Petunia, who lives with her people in St. Anthony Park, ” writes Ellen. “She is famous in her neighborhood for her antics. She is well loved!”

“This is our Bernese Mountain Dog, Bear,” Angie writes.

It’s important for dogs like Bear (and everyone else, too) to stay cool during our record-breaking heat.

“As a dog with double coats, the hot temperatures outside can be hard on him,” Angie says.

(This photo of Bear was taken outside during cooler temperatures; he was enjoying the cool temps as well as some belly rubs!)

“This is Ralphie,” writes Dawn of New Hope. “His sister, Zoey, made the camera roll challenge so he wanted to be given a chance too! Ralphie loves spending time outdoors. I had a TV outside and we’re watching the Twins. He was sitting right beside me in his chair. Hopefully, we were winning as he chose to take a nap!!”

“My precious CoCoNut,” writes Rosemary. “Her favorite grocery store is Hy-Vee on Pilot Knob — she will only eat their fresh chicken.

“Born in Jupiter, Florida, she is a 7-year-old Maltipoo (Maltese and Poodle). I’ve been lucky to have her since she was four months old. She loves people — especially kids. Behaves so very well in public — no barks whatsoever! Everyone loves her — all ages — male or female; she has a habit of making everyone smile. Perfect dog for anyone.

“She is such a treasure and I am so grateful to have her as my little girl. Thanks for letting me share my sweetheart.”

CoCoNut certainly made us smile — and we’ll have to try that fresh chicken at Hy-Vee!

“This is Snoop Dog on his first camping trip ever!” write Mary and Scott. “We arrived and got all set up just to have a thunderstorm roll through. He is a rescue (Secondhand Hounds) from the Kentucky floods and hates storms, but he settled in and enjoyed his dad’s lap and the refreshing cool air the storm brought. This picture is of him all tuckered out after a long day walking and enjoying campground smells.”

Happy camping, Snoop Dog!

“This is our grand dog Gretel,” writes Nancy. “We were dog sitting while our daughter was out of town. Gretel was perfect the first night; the second night I let her out at 10 p.m. when I was ready to turn out the light. She then proceeded to wake me at 12:30 a.m. and again at 2:30 a.m. This is her after returning from that break.

“I wanted so badly to be ‘mad’ at being awakened at that ungodly hour, but how could I be mad at a face like this. She is so darn cute and such a character. She again slept through the entire third night we were there.”

Sweet dreams, Gretel!

“Here’s Toby, our kitten, with his best friend Poli (Polpetta is a meatball in Italian) helping me with the laundry,” Catherine writes.

“This is Petey, an American Curl who lives in Eagan with his ‘brothers and sisters,’ neuters and spays who have been show cats at one time, ” Jill and Glen wrote. “Petey loves to jump in and out of the shower and sometimes he brings his favorite toy with him. He adores people and has earned the nickname ‘Dennis the Menace’ like the character he is.”

We asked if Petey was a show cat, too.

“Yes, he is a Grand Champion in the Cat Fanciers Association and may make an appearance at our booth at the Minnesota State Fair, ” they replied. “We’re at the Pet Pavillion the whole run of the Fair near the dog area. He may also come to the cat show in St Paul at the RiverCentre on Sept. 23rd and 24th.”

Perhaps we’ll see you soon, Petey!

“Kiwi is just recently six years old,” Renee writes. “A mere seven pounds light, she jumps up onto everything to peer out the windows and watch the neighborhood birds, squirrels and rabbits. She even jumps up on our old-fashioned TV to get a better view. Here she is taking a well-needed coffee break.”

“Here’s Mac and his ‘brother’ after a hard day’s work at our local meat market in Altoona, Wis.! ” writes Ellen. “He wears the hat well, don’t you think?”

Yes, we do!

“This is Zoey, one of my tuxedo cats,” writes Dawn of New Hope. “She loves being outside in our backyard. She loves to sit in the chairs on our deck furniture with the table covered. I uncover one chair so she and her brother get plenty of air. It’s their ‘safe place. ‘ They are good fur babies and don’t leave the backyard. She loves the heat!!”

“This is Harley, a 9-year-old Boston Terrier Bug (Pug-Boston Terrier),” writes TJ. “I took this photo as she was patiently waiting for us to play with her and her new monkey toy that just arrived in the Chewy box!”

What a face!

“This is the last picture I took of my cat, Pepito,” Alycia wrote recently. “Yesterday, after work, I was doing a quick adjustment on one of my tops with the sewing machine. Pepito hopped up and was ready to help. After snapping the picture, he curled in and took a little nap while I made my adjustments.

“A special anniversary is coming up for Pepito! August 8 is his three-year Gotcha Day (he’s from a litter of a stray cats that my sister took in, not realizing she was pregnant). My husband and I love having this fella a big part of our lives!”

Happy Gotcha Day, Pepito!

“This is Canela and ZuZu, our two rescue dogs,” Laura writes. “They are out in the canoe enjoying the view from their platform. If it gets too hot, we have an umbrella or we dip them in the water. They both love their new life here ‘Up North’ with lots of room to play.”

What a perfect Minnesota life!

“You asked for pics of our cats,” Hope writes. “Here is Spike in our kitchen sink, cooling down from the high temps we’re having. He was adopted at eight weeks from Safe Hands Rescue in April 2022 and has been entertaining us ever since.”

Stay cool this weekend, Spike!

“I took this picture of my dog Porter just this morning,” Kelly wrote last Thursday. “To me, he looks like he’s modeling for a Renaissance painting. This is his spot in my home office while I’m working — he makes sure to keep several toys on hand at all times!”

“This is the last photo I took on my phone of Atticus, it was taken July 9th, ” writes Amy. “He never goes in the pool but he loves to sit on the side and watch everyone splashing around. He especially likes it when someone shares a sip of their adult beverage with him, he is partial to IPAs!”

Enjoy that pool today, Atticus!

“Buxton proudly graduated from puppy class at the end of July!” Addison writes. “He mastered ‘Sit’ and, well, ‘Sit’ … It’s truly his favorite thing to do.”

We get it, Buxton.


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